JukS's AQ2 download source

Best way to get more help: IRC - QuakeNet channel #aq2suomi ( INSTRUCTIONS -also found from Ultimate AQ2 pack in Documents/help.htm )

JukS's pack and updates

Ultimate AQ2 pack v1.1 by JukS (ZIP) 1.17 GB AprQ2+Q2Pro+R1CH clients, 432 maps, hires Q2 and AQ2 textures. some missing models, sounds, etc added

Help for beginners:
1. Download needed file(s) above
2. Extract uaq2v11.zip for example in C:\Games
-- Extract possible update file(s) in same folder
3. Create shortcuts to desktop from files C:\Games\UAQ2\Launcher.bat and C:\Games\UAQ2\Pr0 Lite v2.2.bat
4. Launch launcher and edit your config file. At least edit these (press CTRL+F in editor to find):
-- set name "UAQ2-default" (for example: set name "Noobster")
-- It might be best to figure out your desktop resolution and use it in game too. (I have 1920x1080)
-- set cl_wsfov "0" (set cl_wsfow "1" if you are using widescreen resolution)
-- set r_customheight "768" (for example 1080 for full-HD) -these are for AprQ2 client
-- set r_customwidth "1024" (for example 1920 for full-HD) -these are for AprQ2 client
-- set vid_forceheight "768" (for example 1080 for full-HD) -these are for R1CH Q2 client
-- set vid_forcewidth "1024" (for example 1920 for full-HD) -these are for R1CH Q2 client
-- set vid_modelist "1024x768" (for example set vid_modelist "1920x1080" for full-HD) -this is for Q2Pro client
-- last row: exec sniper-apr.cfg -remove this if you want to use basic sniper scope or you don't want to manually edit Data/action/sniper-apr.cfg for different button bindings
5. Ready to play! Use Launcher.bat and try witch client works best for you! My favourite is AprQ2 witch why most configs are optimized to it.

If you want to practise first against computer controlled bots, with launcher you can change client DLL -file to LTK Bot!
Instructions to use bots:
1. Switch to LTK bot DLL in Launcher
2. Start client
3. In game console, you can play in teamplay mode by typing: set teamplay 1
4. or just start game in deathmatch mode by typing: map riot (or any other map you know)
5. When map is loaded, use map command again: map riot (or what you ever wanted)
6. When map is loaded again, you are ready to add bots by sv addbot command
-- in teamplay: sv addbot 1 or sv addbot 2 adds random named bot in team 1 or 2, sv addbot 1 Nameless adds bot named Nameless in team 1
-- in deathmatch: sv addbot adds one random named bot, sv addbot Nameless adds one bot named Nameless
-- repeat those commands to add more bots
Feel free to try this pack at juks.no-ip.org:27910 by writing connect juks.no-ip.org in game console or by addind that address in UAQ2/data/action/addresses.txt

Popular AQ2 files

AprQ2 client v1.211 2.24 MB AprQ2 readme
AprQ2 client source 1.79 MB AprQ2 readme
AQ2 Install v2 83.91 MB Good client with 32bit textures etc. Includes basic client files to play online!
AQ2 Install v2 patch 3.98 MB Few textures more
Manually browse files: aq2/files

External sources

nne's AQ2 files
hifi's Quake2 and AQ2 files
RealKGB AprQ2 download site
AQ2 Clan kemikals useful links section